
5 Survival Tips for New School-At-Homers

Hi Friends! Many of you are a week or so into being home with your kids.  You were used to sending them off to school for 6ish hours a day.  And now they are all home.  All day.  Bored and hungry.  They're looking to you for entertainment, escape from boredom, and as much screen time as possible. And then their school assigned them work.  Great!  They will have something structured to do.  But you're the teacher.  You didn't sign up for this.  Unlike traditional homeschoolers, you had this thrust in your lap with no warning.  I thought they were going to have 2 weeks of spring break.  What?  Quarantined?!?  Social distancing?  Stay HOME with my beautiful but highly energetic, kids for HOW LONG?  Here - now you do it. Don't worry.  There is hope! Seasoned homeschool moms know that starting a full courseload with kids cold turkey is epic chaos.  That's why we ease into it.  At the beginning of the school year and after holiday breaks or prol

What We Really Do in Homeschool

Some of you may wonder what we really do in homeschool.  My first post didn't give you much indication, except that I've tried to instill a good ethic in our kids. Usually, we do 3 or more subjects.  Math, reading, writing (the 3 R's). Singapore math and computer games for review. The Reading Lesson (for Hulk Boy grade 1) Pick something interesting to read (everyone else) Picture journal entries (this is a big hit!)  We try to do an art project each month.   Here are some self-portraits I think   turned out well. We also have workbooks for grammar (Daily Grammar), Bible (A Reason for), and spelling (A Reason For).  We do those on alternating days so as not to burn out the kids or me!  We are also trying out Life of Fred books.  We made it through Apples together and are now working on Australia. Everything else is bonus. We watch JellyTelly for devotions. We sing all sorts of songs - from goofy to worship.  Sometimes Seeds Family Worship, The Rize

It All Began With Pancakes

Here are a few pics from our first day of school.  These tell a much better story than my foggy memory could put together. We have kept the subjects light, had plenty of time outdoors, and a few field trips!  It all began with pancakes.  Really!  As I rushed around making sure everything was ready, my 10-year-old requested pancakes for breakfast, to make the first day of school really special.  I took the bait.  "Ok- but you have to make them."  And she did! I'm trying to work on learning independence, time management, and new skills.  Cooking is high on the list.  The girls now know how to make brownies, scrambled eggs, five-minute rice, pancakes and grilled cheese sandwiches.  Also, microwave quesadillas and popcorn (of course!). Doing chores without complaining is going to be another biggie this year.  Can you believe the girls asked to sweep out the carport?  Instead of saying, "No - I'm going to do this.  You go play," (I have done this

VBS and the Eclipse Fiasco

All summer long, I tried to relax and enjoy the days as they went by. Unfortunately, against my will, every day was so chock-full of business, I have a hard time enjoying it.  Instead, I just tried to survive. Okay - well this day at the park was nice.  I enjoyed a walk with my kids and dog.  It was a beautiful day, but it was blisteringly hot.  I was trying to fit in some fun before an hour-long practice with my VBS kids worship team and another hour of practice for our skits last Wednesday. In spring, I scheduled our church's Camp Out VBS mid-August, thinking this would give me a leisurely amount of time to plan, organize, and execute VBS.  How hard could it be?  After an entire summer of shopping, meetings, planning, decorating and stress...I have decided to try again next year, only in June.  I will say that God blessed my feeble efforts with over 20 willing volunteers and 27 wonderful children who came to join in the fun.  They heard that Jesus is the light of the w

Drowning Practice

Have you ever taught a child to swim? I have attempted it. I also recall taking swimming lessons at the "Y" various times growing up.  That summer when I was in kindergarten, and then the mandatory 4th-grade swim sessions.  In the winter.  Our hair froze into icicles on the return trip to school every day. When we moved four years ago, it was with joyous anticipation that each summer would be spent swimming in our above-ground pool.  We would have a blast!  I would teach each of the children to swim, being proficient in the art of swimming myself, I thought it would be a piece of cake. This is the first summer that Shop Girl and Hulk Boy are just barely tall enough to reach the bottom of the pool on tiptoes while stretching their necks as far as they can to breathe in air.  Almost 4 feet tall, tipping their faces just above the surface for oxygen.  They have informed me they don't need floaties anymore. I have tried to teach them a few swim strokes, but

Bye Bye Birdies!

A few weeks ago, my husband spotted a nest in a bush in our yard.  The bird had built it low enough that the kids could see it every day.  We took daily pictures and watched them grow. We went from three cute little blue eggs to... "Eew!"  "They look gross!"  "Like fuzzy meat blobs." "Oooh! They're getting more feathers!"  "Look!  They're getting feathers on their wings." "Feed me!  Feed me!  Feed me!"  Boy, that looked familiar - that mama bird ran for worms to feed her little birdies as often as I feel like I'm running to the grocery store for my little flock. "Uh-oh - they're getting bigger.  They hardly fit in the nest."  My husband and I knew what would happen next, but this was a first time for the kids.  I wanted to wait and see how they reacted to the next phase of little birdie development. Here they are, ready to pop out of the nest! And then, it

Breathing Room

You don't realize when you're a homeschool family just how very, very much you put off while educating and caring for your children. Some families may be able to do it all.  We are not one of those families. Honestly, I am just not one of those moms. We school from about 10:00 - 1:00 every weekday, leaving little time for anything else.  Afternoon and evening activities fill several nights a week.  Work and church fill every weekend. Two of our activities ended this month and I feel like I can breathe again. This morning, my wonderful mother-in-law whisked my children away for a day of fun with their cousins.  I felt slightly guilty for not going, because I love spending time with my family. Waving goodbye to the happy minivan load of people, I turned around and entered my house.  When you're going full-tilt all school year, you may not notice things accumulating like...6 months of mail piled up or that you've put off scheduling your personal doctor